Memory Map:
The SMS address space is really quite simple compared to other video games systems (like the gameboy). The following is the memory map:
0x0000-0x3FFF : ROM Slot 1
0x4000-0x7FFF : Rom Slot 2
0x8000-0xBFFF : Rom Slot 3 / RAM Slot
0xC000-0xDFFF : RAM
0xE000-0xFFFF : Mirrored RAM
You cannot write to address range 0x0-0x8000 this is because this region is for read only memory. You can only page data in and out of this area. However slot 0x8000-0xBFFF (Slot 3) is also treated as read only memory unless one of the two RAM banks is paged in there. This will be discussed later.
Memory Mappers:
As stated above the ROM address spaces have 3 0x4000 byte slots available for the game memory. The third of these slots can also be used to page in a ram bank. There are two 0x4000 ram banks available. Different games have different amounts of rom pages available. The rule of thumb is the bigger the game the more pages that it can choose from.
The memory mapping registers are address 0xFFFC-0xFFFF
0xFFFC: Memory Control Register
0xFFFD: Writing a value to this address maps that values page into slot 1
0xFFFE: Writing a value to this address maps that values page into slot 2
0xFFFF: Writing a value to this address maps that values page into slot 3
I will discuss the memory control Register in a moment. The other three registers are responsible for
causing the paging of memory in and out of their respective slots. So writing the value 0 to address 0xFFFE will result in page0 being paged into slot2. Writing the value 0xA to 0xFFFD will result in page10 being paged into slot1 with the exception of the first 0x400 bytes being not paged because as mentioned earlier you cannot page the first 0x400 bytes out of slot1. Writing to address 0xFFFF usually maps a rom page to slot 3 however depending on the Memory Control Register it may end up being ignored if RAM banking in slot 3 is enabled. RAM banking always takes priority over ROM banking.
Because of RAM mirroring writing to address range 0xDFFC-0xDFFF mirrors over the mapping registers 0xFFFC-0xFFFF. I personally do not mirror address 0xDFFC-0xDFFF over memory control registers 0xFFFC-0xFFFF as this has given bad results.
Memory Control Register:
Different bits in the Memory Control Register data byte (address 0xFFFC) represent different settings for how the mapper is controlled. Although all known software only ever uses bit 2 and 3. If bit 3 is set then RAM is mapped into Page Slot 3 which will always override any rom banking there. If bit 3 is not set the rom banking will happen in slot 3. If ram banking is enabled then bit 2 of 0xFFFC selects which of the 2 ram banks gets banked into slot 3. If the bit is "1" then the second ram bank is used, otherwise the first.
Although the memory control register can have further uses, because no games use them I shall not discuss them as I did not waste my time emulating them.
Writing to Memory:
There are many Z80 instructions which result in data being written to memory. It is good practice to always use the one function call when writing to memory, this way it will be easy to trap memory access and monitor it. This way we can make sure no data is written to ROM, we can also make sure mirroring is handled correctly aswell as handing paging instructions. The following is how I handle writing to memory:
void Emulator::WriteMemory(const WORD& address, const BYTE& data)
// handle the codemasters memory mapping
if (m_IsCodeMasters)
if (address == 0x0 || address == 0x4000 || address == 0x8000)
DoMemPageCM(address,data) ;
// cant write to rom
if (address < 0x8000)
return ;
// allow writing here if a ram bank is mapped into slot 3
else if (address < 0xC000)
BYTE controlMap = m_InternalMemory[0xFFFC] ;
if (m_CurrentRam > -1)
m_RamBank[m_CurrentRam][address-0x8000] = data ;
return ;
// this is rom so lets return
return ;
// it looks ok to write to memory
m_InternalMemory[address] = data ;
// handle standard memory paging
if (address >= 0xFFFC)
if (!m_IsCodeMasters)
DoMemPage(address, data) ;
// handle mirroring
if (address >= 0xC000 && address < 0xDFFC)
m_InternalMemory[address+0x2000] = data ;
if (address >= 0xE000)
m_InternalMemory[address-0x2000] = data ;
Memory Paging:
Now we know how memory paging works lets see how to implement it. The data being written to the paging registers contains the page number to use. All games use bits 5-0 of the data byte to get the page number with exception of the 1megabyte games wich use bits 6-0. Once we know the page number we need to store this for the correct slot so when reading from the slots we know which page to read from. For example if the page number is 5 and the game is writing to address 0xFFFE then page 5 is mapped into slot 2. It would be nice and easy to just memcpy the data from page5 into slot 2 but this would be slow
so it is better to just have a variable called m_SecondBankPage and set it to 5. This way whenever the game
tries to read from slot 2 we can use this variable as a lookup to find the correct page in the cartridge memory to return the correct value.
The only other part left to handle is writing to the memory control register (0xFFFC). We need to update the current ram bank if this register gets written to.
void Emulator::DoMemPage(WORD address, BYTE data )
BYTE page = m_OneMegCartridge?data & 0x3F: data & 0x1F ;
case 0xFFFC:
// check for slot 2 ram banking
if (TestBit(data,3))
// which of the two ram banks are we swapping in?
TestBit(data,2)?m_CurrentRam = 1 : m_CurrentRam = 0 ;
m_CurrentRam = -1 ;
break ;
case 0xFFFD: m_FirstBankPage = page ; break ;
case 0xFFFE: m_SecondBankPage = page ; break ;
case 0xFFFF:
// only allow rom banking in slot 2 if ram is not mapped there!
if (false == TestBit(context->m_InternalMemory[0xFFFC],3))
m_ThirdBankPage = page ;
break ;
Memory Paging - CodeMasters:
The codemasters game use their own mapper which luckily for us is simpler than the standard sega mapper. First of all there is no ram banking so only rom is mapped into slots 1-3. Also there is no need to protect address 0x0-0x400 in slot1 as this can be paged in and out by the mapper. The mapper doesnt use registers 0xFFFC-0xFFFF to manage the mapper. Instead it uses registers 0x0, 0x4000 and 0x8000. Writing to address 0x0 pages slot 1, writing to 0x4000 pages slot 2 and writing to 0x8000 pages slot 3. Apart from this the mappers are identical which gives us the following implementation
void Emulator::DoMemPageCM(WORD address, BYTE data )
BYTE page = m_OneMegCartridge?data & 0x3F: data & 0x1F ;
case 0x0: m_FirstBankPage = page ; break ;
case 0x4000: m_SecondBankPage = page ; break ;
case 0x8000: m_ThirdBankPage = page ; break ;
Reading From Memory:
For the same reason that we want to control writing to memory we also need to control reading from memory. I have already shown the memory map the z80 address space, however I could of shown it in the more basic form of:
0x0000-0xBFFF: Cartridge Memory
0xC000-0xFFFF: RAM
So when ever the z80 tries to read from memory it will always read from its internal memory. Remember that the majority of rom sizes are larger than 0xC000 bytes in memory so the entire rom cannot fit in the Cartridge memory address region. This is why paging is needed so the correct rom memory can be in the cartirdge memory address region when needed. This means the Sega Master System always reads from internal memory whether it wants to read cartridge memory or RAM and it needs to do memory paging to make sure the correct cartridge memory is available.
I personally emulate this differently than how the SMS works. Instead of memcpy'ing the the cartridge memory to internal memory whenever a page change occurs I just store a variable of the new page that is active. Then whenever the Rom tries to read from the cartridge memory address space inside the internal memory I just lookup the data directly from the cartridge memory. The reason why I do this is to avoid any slow memcpy's. This then led me to write the following ReadMemory function:
BYTE Emulator::ReadMemory(const WORD& address)
WORD addr = address ;
// read from mirror 0xDFFC-0xDFFF not the memory map registers
if (addr>=0xFFFC)
addr-=0x2000 ;
// the fixed memory address in slot 1
else if (!m_IsCodeMasters && (addr < 0x400))
return m_InternalMemory[addr] ;
// slot 1
else if (addr < 0x4000)
// convert address to correct page address
unsigned int bankaddr = addr + (0x4000 * m_FirstBankPage) ;
return m_CartridgeMemory[bankaddr] ;
// slot 2
else if (addr < 0x8000)
// convert address to correct page address
unsigned int bankaddr = addr + (0x4000 * m_SecondBankPage) ;
// remove offset
bankaddr-=0x4000 ;
return m_CartridgeMemory[bankaddr] ;
// slot 3
else if (addr < 0xC000)
// is ram banking mapped in this slot?
if (m_CurrentRam > -1)
return m_RamBank[m_CurrentRam][addr-0x8000] ; // 0x8000 offset
// convert address to correct page address
unsigned int bankaddr = addr + (0x4000 * m_ThirdBankPage) ;
// remove offset
bankaddr-=0x8000 ;
return m_CartridgeMemory[bankaddr] ;
return m_InternalMemory[addr] ;
Using this method whenever the game needs to do a memory read from ROM it will always return the correct data from the current page in the respective slot. If reading outside the slot area (0xC000 - 0xFFFF) then we return from the internal z80 address space (internal memory) and from from cartridge memory.
You will also notice that whenever I read from slot 3 I check to see if I need to read from ROM (Cartridge memory) or a RAM bank.